One of the things I've worked on was keeping the weight more towards my left foot throughout the swing. One thing I have noticed is that before I even tried this is I hit very good shots from downhill lies. I also noticed on the range one day that I was hitting my punch shots further than my full swings. I believed this was due to being able to get the weight on the front foot at impact.
I added a little more waist bend at address and tried to feel the weight on my left heel. The impact alignments look good here.

I plan on getting more of a S&T-ish lower body action as well as working on squaring up the clubface at the top of the swing (very shut at the top right now).
I enjoy reading about your progress in your journey to be a better golfer.
I had given up on S&T but then read the most recent article in Golf Digest and then ordered the book. I started over again but I was getting frustrated pushing way right. I tried everything I read in the book and finally figured it out that my left arm was coming away from the left side of my body into impact. I tried the tee drill where you place a tee under your left and right arms. That made me swing more in a circle and it straighted out my ball flight immediately. I also think about keeping my elbows the same distance apart through the downswing and that does the same thing; I think.
I still need to work on my weight shift to the left and left hip thrust up but at least I can hit a decent number of fairways and greens with what I know now.
I have also had some minor issues with a push. It's not 'way right', but it's a push nonetheless. There's good news about that, IMO, though. A push means that there's an open face and the path is inside-to-out enough so it 'matches' the open face. Meaning if my face is open 3*, then to hit a push, my path needs to be inside-to-out 3*. In my experience, the better player 'misses' are usually pushes to the right. I think that's because really good players just don't get above plane that often on the downswing.
Like I mentioned over at Dana Dahlquist's forum, none of the components of S&T are 'wrong' per say, it's really just a matter of whether the golfer can consistently repeat them enough. However, you can just take a few of the components and see it greatly improve the ballstriking. I really wish the book would've gotten into that instead of making it seem like you HAVE to have all of the components. When I tried getting more of an upright shoulder turn, I just couldn't get it to work and that component really isn't what I am looking for in my swing anyway.
Isn't that a HUGE reason we enjoy TGM so much?
If one component doesn't work for you, select another one and give it a whirl, see if it feels good and works for you.
It's so great to have a blueprint with options!!!
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