I've been congratulated on this glorious day of August 27th as it is my birthday. However, I wanted to thank all of the people I can think of that have helped out with this blog either directly or indirectly.
So, a SPECIAL THANKS goes out to:
Ted Fort (http://www.mariettagolfcenter.com/instruction_tfort.htm)
Lynn Blake (www.lynnblakegolf.com)
Jeff Hull (www.lynnblakegolf.com)
Dana Dahlquist
Kevin Carter
Greg Brown
John Erickson (www.advancedballstriking.com)
Kevin Shields
Jim Kobylinski
Brian Manzella (www.brianmanzella.com)
Mike Maves (www.secretinthedirt.com)
David Orr (www.orrgolf.com)
pinnacle (poster over at www.orrgolf.com)
Mark Sweeney (www.aimpointgolf.com)
John Graham (www.johngrahamgolf.com)
Teddy Irons
Nick Clearwater
Jeff Mann (http://perfectgolfswingreview.net)
Ben Doyle (www.bendoylegolf.com)
Bobby Clampett
Brian Gay
Damon Lucas
Geoff Mangum (www.puttingzone.com)
Shawn Clement (www.shawnclementgolf.com)
Jeff Evans (www.pureballstriker.com)
Logan Terry
Martin Martinez
Peter Croker (www.crokergolf.com)
Paul Smith (www.iseekgolf.com)
Paul Hart
John Furze (www.golfingmachinist.com.au)
Taly Williams (www.taly.com)
Ed Grabowy (www.golfdoctor.com)
Matt Grabowy
Kelvin Miyahara (http://www.aroundhawaii.com/speed_training.html)
David Edel (www.edelgolf.com)
Dariusz Jedrzejewski (http://www.biokineticgolfswing.ecom.net.pl/)
Rick over at www.swingacademy.com
Trackman Golf
John Riegger
Daniel Carraher
Geoff Jones (aka SliceFixer)
Martin Hall
John Rohan-Weaver
Spencer Huggins
Keith Handler
Michael Jacobs (www.nygolfworld.com)
Simon Williams (http://www.simonwilliamsgolf.co.uk/)
Chuck Evans (www.medicus.com)
VJ Trolio (www.lynnblakegolf.com)
Phil Thevet
Mike McNary
And to the rest of my followers/readers of my blog and anybody else I may have unfortunately missed.
With that, I leave you with one of my favorite Caddyshack clips.
Happy Birthday from France Rich.
Hope this will be a year of good golf and, please, continue your SO GOOD blog in the same way
After lurking for the last 4 months I have to say a big happy birthday - we share a common birthday and passion. Please don't change a thing, this blog is my first-clicker everyday!
Sweet.. My birthday is Sept 1..
The Big 40 (crap)
--Rick (SwingAcademy)
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