Sunday, July 5, 2009

John Erickson Swing

Here's John Erickson's (aka Lagpressure) swing from the Face On view in slow-mo.



  1. Rich,
    If you haven't already, check out the "fivefades" youtube video of Lag. The sound that the ball makes in that video is not something I hear very often...

  2. Rich,
    If you haven't already, check out the "fivefades" youtube video of Lag. The sound that the ball makes in that video is not something I hear very often...

    JON B

  3. IMHO, LagPressures thread on iSeek has some of the most wonderful TGM information and it's application in the real world ever written.


  4. Interesting John is a hitter, and so is Ted Fort, but they have completely different motions. Ted sets up in impact fix with a lot of right wrist bend takes it back to the top not finish and drives the bent right wrist through impact.

    John appears to let the right wrist hinge and unhinge into and beyond impact and takes the club to the finish.

    Completely different hittng actions

  5. Lag provides a wealth of information and insight even if you don't fully agree with him. I have learned quite a bit from him and some parts of my swing have been influenced to a degree by John's posts about his thoughts on TGM.
