Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Confessions of a Former Flipper and Never Slice Again Review

I've recommended him before, but I'll recommend him again...try out some of Brian Manzella's videos at http://www.brianmanzella.com/. Brian also has a bunch of great, free YouTube videos...just do a search with his name and you can find them there.

Brian's a TGM guy, which I find most of the TGM guys to be fantastic. He's actually got a Doctorate certificate in TGM (TGM has bachelors, masters and doctorate certificates in their program) as he's worked closely with the TGM guru himself, Ben Doyle and has instructed David Toms.

I've bought two of Brian's videos, "Confessions of a Former Flipper" and "Never Slice Again 2.0" (you have to go on the forum to purchase NSA 2.0). For the money, Confessions of a Former Flipper is arguably the best instructional video or book that I've ever bought and I have about 40 of them in my collection. I got the Web version of CoFF for only $10. The only thing that competes with it for the money is probably the Perfect Golf Swing Review Web site, which is very TGM oriented (http://perfectgolfswingreview.net/) and free. However, I think Brian does a little better job of explaining things and has a lot more great drills and thoughts.

I improved a bit using CoFF's drills and thoughts, but I still have that itty bitty baby flip which I believe I solved the problem (just executing it is a different story) as my downswing pivot pretty much blows right now. But, I can still get around the course just fine.

NSA 2.0 is a good video, it just didn't apply to me since I really don't slice. I bought it because of the rave reviews, but like I said it really didn't apply to me and most of the stuff I knew anyway. Still a quality video and a must if you hit a big banana. If anything, I tend to hook the ball, but if I hit it on the screws I'm usually straight. My problem is my trajectory. I may get Never Hook Again 2.0, but there's some other things I want to buy first.


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