Sunday, March 8, 2009

Seeing the Line With the Speed Rope

Dave Orr has made another dandy of a putting video with his latest installment 'Seeing the Line With the Speed Rope.' You can find it at and the cost is $12.95.

The Speed Rope is an invention of Orr's. It's basically your standard rope colored green, white, yellow and red. The green part of the rope is where the ball should accelerate (the first part of the putt), the white is where the ball should maintain the speed (about in the middle of the putt), yellow is where the ball should start to slow down (near the end of the putt) and red is where the ball should stop (and the end of the putt). David uses it in this video as a visual aid for the student (Mark Clare) and for the viewer to understand.

The strong point of Orr's videos, besides his ability to explain things in a simple manner, is that he continues to provide videos demonstrating techniques that the Tour pros use. Often times I find golf instruction, particularly putting instruction, missing out on what the Tour pros use. Stan Utley probably made his teaching career by instructing on the arced putting stroke at a time when amateurs were mostly using the straight back straight thru putting stroke.

The genius about the video is it provides a way for the golfer to intuitively feel the speed and touch for the putt based off something so simple as the swiveling of the head as the golfer approaches the ball at address. I have yet to fully practice it yet, but I used it in a round of golf and my speed on the greens was noticeably better.

I would recommend that a golfer get David's 'Green Reading Basics' video first, learn that. Then get this video and now they should be a better putter because they understand how to read putts and feel the speed. From there, if a golfer is looking to play in tournaments and is somewhat serious about playing well in tournaments, they should get his 'Mapping the Greens' video and be on the lookout for David's next video which works with Aimpoint founder Mark Sweeney.


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