Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Look at 'Float Loading' (10-19-B)

Back when I made my 'comeback' I really wanted to find out what 'float loading' was and how to obtain it. Unfortunately, nobody really explained it that well until I came across this Brian Manzella YouTube video (also my introduction to Manzella's work)

Here's what Mr. Homer Kelley wrote about Float Loading
10-19-B DOWNSTROKE (OR FLOAT) LOADING This procedure delays the Wristcock until the Start Down and completes it as specified by the Stroke Pattern Assembly Point Component.

What's that mean?

It means that the golfer pretty much does not cock the wrists in the backswing and the wrists eventually cock on the downstroke.

Here's some more:

'Float Loading' also describes this procedure - especially the sensation, because the Cocking motion should not be at all sharp , but gentle, or even lazy. With a 'Frozen Wrist' procedure (10-3-K), the Downstroke Cocking Action is limited to increasing the Right Elbow Bend only.

Okay, Mr. Kelley is stating that it's termed 'float loading' because the the wrist is very gentle or 'lazy.' If the wrists are frozen, then the golfer cannot cock the wrist in the 'float loading' procedure on the downswing and it's limited to the bending of the right elbow.

Assembly, Loading and Release are usually accomplished simultaneously, then with a Flicking action - automatic or non-automatic - continues as either Drive or Drag Loading, designating it as either 19-B/A or 19-B/C. And use corresponding Short Shot recommendations.
Here you would have to understand some of the Assembly definition as Homer Kelley describes. But it's saying that the loading and the release of the club happen simultaneously. Furthermore, float loading can be used for hitters (Drive Loading) or Swingers (Drag Loading). And you can used the same method on shorter shots.

Then the rest is stuff in 'The Golfing Machine' I really wouldn't worry about for now.

So who are prime examples of 'float loading?' I would say JB Holmes for one:

And of course, Sergio Garcia

So, did Hogan 'float load?'

And here's a sample of Hogan's swing in slow motion over at SwingAcademy.com (http://www.swingacademy.com/swinganalysistool.aspx?id=372)

I lean towards Hogan NOT being a float loader of the golf club. Or if he is a float loader, then it's very little float loading going on. His wrists are clearly cocked in the swing, clearly in the 3rd and 4th frames (or P4 and P5 in MORAD terms). There's more wrist cock going on in the downswing, but I would lean towards that just being drag loading (something I can post about later down the road.)

I think the keys to becoming a float loader are a few things, which Manzella goes over in his video:

1. Keeping the clubhead 'under the hands' on the backswing.
2. Getting a wide arc on the backswing.
3. Getting the butt of the clubhead pointing at the belt buckle at address.


1 comment:

  1. According to Mac O'Grady, whether or not you float load a shot, depends on the length of club you are using. You would not float load a short iron approach shot. Further more the float is controlled by the length of the left thumb.
    Decreasing the angle in between the right forearm and bicep will only lead to inconsistence shot making. In the video link you provide was Hogan float loading? A better question would be, what club and what shot was Hogan trying to make?

    Scientific method, to draw a conclusion. Scientists draw conclusions by examining the data from the experiment. There are basically two possible outcomes. Either the experiment supported the hypothesis and can be regarded as true, or the experiment disproved the hypothesis as false. If the hypothesis is false, repeat the steps in the scientific method and make adjustments to your hypothesis.

    If the hypothesis turns out to be false, there are some questions to ask to find out why:

    What was wrong with the original hypothesis?
    Did you make poor observations?
    Was your experiment flawed?
