Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Look At Augusta Nationa: #13 - 'Azalea'

Par 5
510 Yards

Original Intent:"Whatever position may be reached with the tee shot, the second shot as well entails a momentous decision whether or not to try for the green. Several tournaments have been won or lost here, even though the decision may not have been obvious at the time."- Bobby Jones, in Sports Illustrated, April 6, 1959

Significant Change:
Tee moved back 20-25 yards, 2002

Did It Work?

Moving the tee back made the challenge of reaching the green in two a tad more difficult. Although it is historically the next-to-easiest hole on the course, it is a classic risk-reward hole. Many Masters challengers have seen their chances of winning drown in the tributary of Rae's Creek that skirts the green.

History Average Score: 4.80
History Score Rank: 17th


And does it sound any better than this?


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