Thursday, February 5, 2009

Game Update and The Golf Fix Thoughts

I do get some people asking me about how my game is coming along. Four weeks into my 'comeback', I'm currently gaming a 1.7 handicap index. And because of the way my course membership is set up, I play a new course from the tips every week and my home course every Saturday with my ole man and his friends.

However, my game is frustrating as ever. Saturday I went out and had my best ballstriking game to date, hitting 14 greens and shooting 73 (+2). Unfortunately, I had zero birdies and had an awful day of putting (35 putts with only 1 three putt --- and I was knocking it stiff all day). Then on Thursday I go out and shoot 77 with 26 putts (only 7 greens). I've been starting off pretty hot lately, but then I just fizzle. Played a tough track a couple of weeks ago and started -1 after the first four holes on a course I've never played before. Then on that Saturday (the 73 round) I started off +1 after the first five holes, but had 4 birdie putts inside 7 feet on those holes. Then yesterday I started off -2 after four holes on a course I never played before.

One thing that helps is understanding D-plane more. However, sometimes I fall a bit too in love with it. Almost like a baseball pitcher who discovers a really good change up and keeps throwing it and neglecting their fastball. I think I'm very close to going really L-O-W (the 73 I shot I could've shot a 65 if I could've putted *decent* and the course has a 140 slope), but OTOH I'm also probably close to having a really terrible round. But, I believe learning a pivot controlled hands swing has helped me become much more consistent and avoid those bad rounds with the possibility of having a really good day here and there.

Anyway, I've had some people ask me what I think of Michael Breed's 'Golf Fix' show on The Golf Channel.

Well, personally I'm not a big fan of it. Lots of cliches and stuff that really doesn't dig deep at the root of the problems with golfers....particularly the pivot. I really miss Golf Academy Live, which I'm not sure why they don't do it anymore given how much they are probably spending on 'The Golf Fix.' And it's much easier to find possible great teaching talent with the advancements on the internet like Brian Manzella, Dave Orr, Lynn Blake, etc.

All of those guys would be great, but I think the Golf Channel is looking for that certain type of teacher that appeals to the higher handicapper and is very camera friendly. Personally, I think Shawn Clement could fill that role better than Michael Breed.



  1. Hi Rich
    I don't have your PM so I post in the comment area
    Have a lok at this link
    and let me know what you think of this gem (hogan footage)

  2. Thanks. I've already seen it. Hogan sure made it looks simple and easy.
