Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Look Into The Poll Question: Shawn Clement

Name: Shawn Clement
Location: Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada
Notable Works: Shawn Clement 4 Hour Golf Instruction DVD
Notable YouTube Vids: 'Hogan Power Drill', 'Hogan Power Move', 'Power Leverage', 'Legs and Footwork'
Notable Credentials: Top 25 Instructor in Canada
Web site:

The first time I came across Shawn Clement was reading Jeff Mann's Perfect Golf Swing Review Web site ( On Mann's Web site, he links to this excellent YouTube video:

Impressed with this video I noticed that Clement has roughly 100 YouTube instruction videos. And learning more about Shawn, he is a scratch golfer both RIGHT HANDED and LEFT HANDED (and a former Canadian Tour player). And when I looked at his Web site, I came across a great article that was very similar to what Mike Maves was teaching (

Shawn probably won't make the Golf Digest and Golf Magazine instructor rankings unless he begins to teach a few successful PGA Tour professionals. However, that in no way means that he's not a great instructor. He understands the physics, geometry and biokinetics of the golf swing and can explain it in a very clear and simple manner. Furthermore, he is a fountain of helpful golf drills. I highly suggest anybody over a seven handicap to watch all of his YouTube videos and read his articles.


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