Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Look Into The Poll Question: Lynn Blake

Name: Lynn Blake
Location: Atlanta, GA
Famous Students: Brian Gay
Notable Works: Alignment Golf DVD
Notable YouTube Vids: 'Lynn Blake Explains Rhythm & Hinge Motion', 'Colin Neeman, A Lesson With Lynn Blake.'
Web site:
Credentials: The Golfing Machine certified G.S.E.D.

Lynn Blake was an amateur golfer who wanted to learn more about the game. He then decided to read and understand Homer Kelley's 'The Golfing Machine' to possibly help take his game to the next level. Eventually he learned more about 'The Golfing Machine' from the author himself, Homer Kelley.

Blake took his knowledge then started and conducted 40 golf schools in six states. While he was wildly successful, eventually Blake returned to the financial industry and quit teaching the game.

Twenty years later, in 2004, Blake returned to the game and began teaching again. This time he was certified as a G.S.E.D. Authorized Instructor of The Golfing Machine and has taken off ever since. His most notable student is Brian Gay, one of the shortest hitters on tour, but arguably the most accurate golfer on tour along with being a great putter.

I had originally seen some of Lynn's pictures of golfers on the Web with his symbol on the corner of the picture. Eventually I didn't know who he really was until I came across a YouTube video of him and Brian Gay:

Then I got to see his Web site ( I believe the best facet of the Web site is the free videos where he shows lessons from Ben Doyle, the late Tom Tomasello and some of his own work.

He hasn't received any votes yet, but that's because I believe not many pollsters either understand or know about his work. His 'Alignment Golf' DVD is something I plan on buying soon as it's received rave reviews, but at $79 and the struggling economy I think most people will shy away from purchasing it. Also, his forum can be very intimidating since it is heavily TGM influenced and referenced. But there's still a lot of great information to decipher thru.

Still, I can understand how pollsters may not know much about him, but there's no doubt in my mind he's one of the best in the game.


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