Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Look Into The Poll Question: Brian Manzella

I have a poll that is off to the right side of my blog and it asks 'which golf instructor (or author) do you like most.' I'd like to go over each one. First up Brian Manzella. Thanks for answering the poll.

Name: Brian Manzella
Location: New Orleans, LA and Louisville, KY
Famous Students: Craig Perks and David Toms
Notable Works: Confessions of a Former Flipper, Never Slice Again 2.0, Never Hook Again 2.0
Notable YouTube Vids: Hips, Hands and Clubhead. Brian Manzella Live Episodes. Catch the Drop.
Notable Credentials: Golfing Machine Certified G.S.E.D.
Web Site: http://www.brianmanzella.com/
Training Aids: The Sheriff (putting training aid)

I first heard about Manzella when I was reading Jeff Mann's Perfect Golf Swing Review Web site (http://perfectgolfswingreview.net/). Mann doesn't reference Brian too much, but the basic introduction was there, Brian is certified in TGM and I figured he probably knew his stuff. Later on I did a google search looking for an explanation of 'float loading' and it led me to his Web site. Float loading is a pretty easy concept, but for some reason nobody really cares to explain it in a simple and concise manner. Well, Brian did.

I instantly became addicted to his YouTube videos because he not only knew his stuff and made it simple to understand, but he also explained it in a fun way.

There's essentially 3 things that helped me get my swing to looking better than it ever has (it's almost striking it better, but given the long layoff I still have *some* consistency issues). One of them is his YouTube video that I have posted here time after time and because it is so helpful

Not only does Brian know quite a bit about the game and the golf swing, but he's a teacher that doesn't rest on his laurels and continues to learn about the game. He's utilizing Trackman technology to learn more about the physics of the golf swing. And he probably does as much as anybody to scour the earth to read and watch anything when it comes to golf instruction.

I think it's kind of a shame that he has not gotten any votes yet. I think part of that is because his readers probably do not read this blog and I get the feeling that he rubs some people the wrong way. Maybe it's because he's not afraid to call out some teachers for what he perceives as erroneous swing philosophies. If there's one thing I realize, it's that people sure get heated when it comes to not agreeing on parts of the game, particularly golf instruction. But either way, Brian Manzella is one of the best in my book.

Next up, David Orr.



  1. Sorry, can't agree with your assessment of Manzella. Doesn't really belong with the big name teachers. He's a Youtube phenom who blows his own horn a bit much for me and, I think, most people.

  2. disagree totally, Brian is excellent. I prefer that he is not a "big name" teacher. More approachable.

    I tried the Leadbetters and Haney's. Did not start hitting he ball consistently until I tried trhe youtube stuff then got Former Flipper. His Soft Draw pattern is the best!!!

  3. Brian has a one track view of the golf swing, TGM. If you don't follow that method, he's the first one to tell you that you know nothing.

    I've watched several of his video's and wish he would stick to one or two points, not 22 different aspects of the swing. What student could possible understand that many areas in one lesson.

    99% of the average golfers today have never heard of Homer Kelley and have no idea what their 4th accumulator does or could care to know.

    It's a shame that he feels that in order for his views to be heard, he must put down everyone else's.

    There is no "one way" to swing the club. Great instructors keep and open mind.

  4. Someone misunderstands Brian to call him a "one way" teacher - he's the exact opposite. Also, he's not wedded to tgm at all.

    If you want to learn how to hit the ball better, he's the guy. If you want pablum, that's elesehwere (and everywhere).
