Friday, December 12, 2008

Clockface Breaks Pattern with Geoff Mangum

I'm currently reading Geoff Mangum's 'Optimal Putting' book, but that is roughly 300 pages long so it will take me awhile before I can put in a review. Anyway, here's a good video of Geoff explaining the 'clock method' of how to read putts. Of course, first you have to understand the fall line and find the proper fall line.

At the risk of sounding like I am tooting my own horn, I've pretty much always been a good putter. But understanding this concept that Geoff teaches in the video below has noticeably improved my putting as now I've practically eliminated bad misreads from my game.(I call a bad misread a misread where I think it goes one way and it winds up going the exact opposite way) So generally now when it comes to misreads, they are more of the type that I have the right idea, they just don't break as much or break more than I think they should. To me, this is sort of the key to good putting. I look at when I putt that all I'm trying to do is make a *decent* read, a *decent stroke* with *decent alignment* and a *decent launch*, then if it still doesn't go in I've got to take it. There's simply too many other factors, many of which are out of the golfer's control, that can make you miss a putt.

I spoke to one tour player about putting and those were also his exact same sentiments about what he tries to accomplish with his putting.

For more of Geoff's YouTube videos, go to


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