Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Must Read Web Site for the Serious Golfer

One of the Web sites that I visit frequently, but have failed to mention here on this blog is

Here's an excerpt from the site:

I started playing golf about 6 years ago, when I retired from practicing medicine, and I noted that no free online review of the full golf swing was available. There are many golf-related websites that offer a beginner golfer a few free golf tips, but I could not find a single golf-related website that offers beginner golfers a free in-depth, scholarly analysis of the modern golf swing. I therefore decided to write this scholarly review of the modern golf swing, and this free online review is entirely based on traditional golf instructional teaching. Readers should note that this review does not offer a beginner golfer any secret formula that will magically enable him to instantly perfect his golf swing. I don't believe in wishful thinking (magical formula or secret formula), and I personally believe that a beginner golfer will most likely perfect his golf swing if he has an in-depth understanding of golf swing mechanics, and a ready willingness to practice-practice-practice. I suspect that only a small subset of beginner golfers are really interested in acquiring an in-depth knowledge of the golf swing, and I hope that this educational review will successfully help educate that small subset of beginner golfers.

The site is downright excellent, incorporating a variety of swing philosophies and methods from teachers like Leadbetter and McLean (yeah, I know) to Bobby Clampett (Impact Zone book), Ralph Mann (Swing Like a Pro book...something I need to buy and read). But in April of 2008 the author of the Web site, Jeff Mann, started reading Homer Kelley's "The Golfing Machine" and the site is very TGM oriented. In fact, here's what Jeff Mann has to say about "The Golfing Machine."

The TGM book is an extremely difficult book to read, and understand, and it will take the average reader a few hundred hours of intense study to fully understand Homer Kelley's ideas/concepts. I plan to write a number of review papers in the next 2 years (2008-2010) explaining (in my personal way) why some of Homer Kelley's key ideas are so important.

I use this Web site as a reference all of the time with my swing. It's basically like having an understandable version of The Golfing Machine online, and for F-R-E-E. Furthermore, Jeff Mann does a really good job of dispelling myths and debunking flawed theories and explains why. This site also introduced me to Shawn Clement's great videos on YouTube, which I found extremely the higher handicapper should be helped even more.

I highly recommend this site for anybody who is semi-serious about the game and wants to understand how the swing works...whether it be at the basic, fundamental level or the advanced, complex level.


1 comment:

  1. For free online lesson about The Golfing Machine visit:

    Hope it will be useful
